2017-03-09 - Chord expert dialog : bug correction on display of chords progression - Transpose Dialog : Optimize check box added. - Transpose Dialog : bug correction on preset selection. 2017-02-23 - Chord expert dialog : "Sort by distance" algorithm rewritten - Chord expert dialog : infos added on the selected chord - Chord expert dialog : Rename and delete buttons on the Chords Progression list - Chord expert dialog : Rename and delete buttons on the Arpeggio list 2017-02-14 - Chords progression can be saved in the song and used to generate a pattern from the chord expert dialog. 2017-01-31 - Transpose Dialog : save your own preset in the file Generators\PatternXP\custom_transpose.prs 2017-01-29 - Developped with "Visual Studio Community 2015" : "Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable package" NEEDED - Chord dialog : Resize the width of the arpeggio list. - Transpose button : Shift notes according to min/max limits. List of predefined instruments in the file Generators\PatternXP\transpose.prs 2015-08-10 - Parameter added to draw row numbers frame or not - Parameter added to specify the width of graphical fields - When setting a field graphically, the current row is updated (parameter) - Button to show / hide the toolbars - Bugfix in chord detection 2015-05-25 - Shift up/down tool button works only on notes. Other columns are ignored. - Bugfix : incorrect base octave in chord expert dialog - Octave selection in chord expert dialog - Chord expert analyse improved 2015-04-25 - Improved minor tonality detection and management : use of the leading-tone note of the minor tonalities (drawn in green). - Arpeggiator manages "NoteOff" - Select row : dblclick on the row number - Select beat : shift+dblclick on the row number - Select measure : Ctrl+dblclick on the row number 2015-04-14 - XP Compatibility - Chord expert analyse improved : Measure / Beat / Row 2015-03-07 - Developped with "Visual Studio Community 2013" : "Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable package" NEEDED - Better support of Theme colors - Experimental x64 version 2015-02-24 - Selection of the Arpeggio file to use 2015-02-24 - version XP compatible 2015-02-21 - Bugfix : synchronise selected arpeggio between toolbar dropbox and dialog listbox - Toolbar cut in two rows - Add Chord Dialog tool button 2015-02-20 - Chord dialog : Select sort mode (by note or by distance) - Arpeggiator added to chord generation 2015-02-14 - Chord dialog : button "Clear" (ctrl+DELETE) to clear current pattern row - Add shortcuts to toolbar button hints - Set focus back to pattern after selecting a value in the shrink/expand dropbox 2015-02-12 - Bugfix : Mirror selection crash when mirror note off 2015-02-11 - Dialog to determine the tonality of the pattern 2015-02-10 - Refresh chord expert when changing row per beats - Display selected chord infos in Chord expert dialog - Chord expert dialog : insert multiple chords within the dialog. 2015-02-08 - Chord expert Dialog display enlarged - Shift values buttons and combo - Shift notes according to tonality - Mirror notes according to tonality 2015-01-04 - Add tonality selection. - Display notes out of tonality in red. - Chord selection dialog shows only chords in the tonality. - Shrink pattern : do not collapse to 0. - Shift octave shortcuts changes to Ctrl+Shift+SUBTRACT and Ctrl+Shift+ADD. (was interfering with base octave selection) 2014-11-09 - Chord Expert : Add chord selection dialog 2014-11-05 - Add Parameters "Disable PgUp/Down enhancement" and "Disable Home enhancement" - Bug fix : save activation of Chord expert - Chord Expert refresh optimised 2014-10-29 - Ctrl+DblClick on machine name opens the machine help file (if exists). - Chord expert : analyse the pattern to display the chords names. 2014-10-22 - Humanize edit get focus back ... - Export pattern uses "Save" dialog. - Add "Import pattern : auto resize (rows)" parameter. 2014-10-21 - Insert row (Ctrl+P), Delete row (Ctrl+Shift+P) - Bugfix : mirror selection on notes 2014-10-20 - Remove Chords limit - Add "Parameters" dialog" - Keep "Draw play position" persistent (parameter) - Put focus back to editor when clicking on a button 2014-10-18 - Mirror selection (shortcut Ctrl+Shift+D) 2014-10-15 - Reverse selection (shortcut Ctrl+D) - Humanize Toolbutton enabled when selection is empty 2014-10-12 - Upgraded to last official PatternXP sources (add pitch bend record ...) - New chords files added (Tinga as usual :-) - Import pattern can be undone. 2014-09-28 - Interpolate can be modulated by a param. - Chords limit set to 200. - New chord 'Scala' thanks to Tinga 2014-09-13 - add scrollbar to the list of chords. - chord tool in "once" mode delete notes in the columns not being used by the chord. 2014-08-28 - Selection of the chords description file to use. - The chord can be generated only once or up to the last track. - The configuration files uses by PatternXP are now stored in a new subdirectory : Buzz\Gear\Generators\PatternXP. - 3 examples of chords files, thanks to Tinga. You can remove the files Buzz\Gear\Generators\Jeskola Pattern XP Chords.txt and Buzz\Gear\Generators\Jeskola Pattern XP.txt. They are not used anymore. - The chords description files are named *.chords - The chords file accepts comments : lines starting with a ";" 2014-08-26 Chord insertion. You can insert on the current row, the notes (one by track) of the chord selected, with the current note as root. The generation fills the tracks up to the last one, or up to B-9. You can limit the generation by selecting some tracks, the generation will stop at the last track selected The dropdown box is filled with the content of the file "Jeskola Pattern XP Chords.txt". The structure of the file is : - one line per chord Name;NNNN where N is the distance of each note of the chord from the root note in semi-tone. The first note is implicitly the root note. I filled the file with some chords, but it's not perfect. If someone want to create a better one, feel free to do it ... and send it to me. Shortcut : CTRL+H 2014-08-23 Humanization of empty rows is optional. 2014-08-21 Humanize selection : the selection is randomized using a delta parameter [0..100]. Shortcut : Ctrl+Shift+R 2014-08-19 Choose the new toolbar or the old button bar. 2014-08-18 Toolbar 2014-08-12 "Add note off" after each note in the selection. Shift up or down all "note off" in the selection. The "shift up" try to guess "note off" hidden by notes to make them reappear. 2014-08-07 Track toolbar (C-copy, X-cut, P-paste, M-merge). Use the buttons at the top left to hide/show the tracks toolbars. Display params value in hexa and decimal in the status bar. 2014-08-05 Shrink / Expand pattern. When shrinking, the number of row per beats is multiplied by the factor of shrinking so that no data is lost. Shortcuts to shrink/expand of factor 2 : ctrl + alt + SUBTRACT: shrink pattern / 2 ctrl + alt + ADD: expand pattern * 2 2014-06-03 show (or hide) parameter name at the top of the columns (use the button at the top/left). 2014-05-31 - persistent selection when changing pattern. - export pattern in CSV format (can be easily edited in a spreadsheet). - import pattern from CSV format. 2014-05-21 HOME moves as in built-in editor. Added some new shortcuts. 2014-05-09 "Bar" combobox to select the number of beats between row highlighting. Pg-up and Pg-down move 1 "bar". "Help" checkbox to show/hide the content of the text file "Jeskola Pattern XP.txt". "Merge" button to paste the content of the clipboard without clearing the existing data. "Clear off" button to clear all "note off" in the selection.